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Fraternity & Sorority Affairs

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Header of this Section

Header for this Sub-Section

Creating pages in Omni Update is easy. It can be fun too! Format content using the toolbar options that appear at the top of the WYSIWYG Editor. Did you know that WYSIWYG stands for what-you-see-is-what-you-get? Omni Update’s WYSIWYG is called JustEdit. Click the block icon in JustEdit to show the blocks on the page. Next, change the Header above to apply the block level Header element. It's important to use headers sequentially, starting at header 1 (or header 2 if you have a hero snippet in the top section).


Header for this Sub-Section

Insert an image using the "Insert/ Edit Image" button. Add the descriptive text (alt text) for the image; be sure to describe what is going on in the photo itself in one to two sentences. In order to have the image align left/ right of the page content, click "class" and select the right or left image align option.


Bold this text and italicize this text to view span level elements.

Delete this text to see the Compare feature in the Versions area, after completion of creating and editing content.


Header for this Sub-Section

Make four links below: one to an internal (Omni) page, one to an external page, one to an email, and one to a .pdf document:

Internal Link

External Link




Header for this Sub-Section

Cclik the Spellcheck iocn in JustEdit.


Header for this Sub-Section

Create a bulleted list below:

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3


Create a numbered list below:

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3


Header for this Sub-Section

Copy and paste from another area here:


Header for this Sub-Section

Insert an asset below


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