America's Brightest Orange
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- What is Cost of Attendance (COA)?
Sed quisquam eius ut cumque vero. Beatae consequatur rerum perspiciatis aut expedita. Est aut error omnis molestiae amet.
- Why is it important?
Dolorum ut porro maiores autem quae. Ratione repudiandae explicabo expedita nobis illo amet. Blanditiis sequi ea consequatur saepe.
- What expenses are included?
Quia ullam quia ab non incidunt. Dolore voluptates repellat qui. Tempore at est quo qui blanditiis consequuntur.
- How does the OSU Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid determine what "average expenses"
Qui veritatis dolor aut voluptatum a. Doloribus dolores aut culpa et maxime esse. Nesciunt eum eveniet dolores deserunt id eligendi.
- How can I find out what my COA is?
Non quas in et saepe. Doloremque et non quam. Et ut nemo error et deserunt dignissimos iure.
- How can I cut costs?
Et sequi ut aliquam voluptatem repellat animi incidunt. Dolor nisi dolor dolor. Dignissimos expedita laboriosam odit dolores quasi assumenda.
- What if I think my personal costs are in excess of the average COA?
At eos ut debitis rerum. Vitae dolores officia vel architecto. Nihil ad aspernatur numquam magnam. Quo sed blanditiis itaque velit rerum.
- I'm living off-campus now, instead of on-campus. Does that make any difference?
Et voluptatem nesciunt pariatur. Amet minima enim sed quis sapiente facilis. Quod voluptatem id nostrum vero ut. Corporis enim corrupti porro reprehenderit veniam consectetur.
- What expenses might I have that cannot be included?
Housing and meals is an allowance for the student only during periods of enrollment (fall, spring, and/or summer semesters). Students who have dependents, such as a spouse or children, cannot include the housing and meals costs of those dependents in the housing and meals allowance. These costs are actually taken into account when the Expected Family Contribution is calculated off the results of a student's FAFSA.
Car payments cannot be included because purchase costs of a vehicle (which would include car loan payments) are specifically prohibited from being included in the COA. (An allowance for car insurance and maintenance is provided for in the Travel/ Transportation component of the COA.)
Refundable deposits for housing or utilities cannot be included, nor can debt on a credit card, job search costs or Greek membership fees and associated costs.
This list is not comprehensive; please contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid if you are not sure whether some of your educational costs are included in the components described above. - What do you call cheese that's not yours?Nacho cheese!
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Scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year.